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Wednesday, May 2, 2018



I also feel that it's high time we flood the Media (Print, Electronic and Social) with discussion on the RELATIVITY DEMAND by NMA.

The populace needu to be thoroughly enlightened on what they are demanding and the implications on other Sectors of the Nigerian Economy.

We need to state clearly that RELATIVITY has been granted to Medical Doctors when a fresh post NYSC Medical Doctor is allowed to enter the Federal Civil Service on GL 12 while other Health Professionals enter the Civil Service on GL 10 and below.

The implication is that it will take years of practice for other Health Professionals to attain GL12 where a fresh post NYSC Medical Doctor starts his/her career.

It must be noted that the salary of a fresh post NYSC Medical Doctor is higher than the salary of Principal Officers of other Health Professionals in the HEALTH TEAM.

RELATIVITY has also been granted to Medical Doctors after Residency Training because they are allowed to enter the Federal Civil Service on GL 14 which is equivalent to the position of Assistant Director for other Health Professionals.

It takes other Health Professionals nothing less than 12-18 years in the Federal Civil Service to attain GL 14.

Therefore, NMA's request for another RELATIVITY is uncalled for, selfish and insensitive.

It is tantamount to gaining an unjustifiable advantage over other HEALTH PROFESSIONALS in Government Service as well as setting a bad precedence not only in the Health Sector but every other sector in the Federal Civil Service.

If the Federal Government falls for the emotional blackmail of the NMA in her submission through the Minister of Health on PAY PARITY and thus allow this type of gullible precedence, the Nigerian Health System might be plunged into a vicious cycle of crisis with its attendant effects on the Healthcare of the poor and vulnerable masses of our dear Country.

The likelihood of having similar crisis in other Ministries is possible if this madness is allowed.

We shall begin to see lots of professions with superiority complex demanding for similar relativity in pay. This must not be allowed.

International best practices adopts the use of Entry Point to determine Relativity and not creation of a new salary structure just in the name of relativity.

The FG should be ready to create new salary structures based on relativity for many other professions if they continue to subscribe to the baseless argument of the NMA and the current Minister of Health who through his utterances have demonstrated BIAS against other Health Professionals and preference for Medical Doctors, his direct constituency.

JOHESU is not asking for PAY PARITY with Medical Doctors as the Ministry of Health and the Minister of Health wants Nigerians to believe.

Upward ADJUSTMENT on our CONHESS Salary Structure to reflect the current reality as currently being enjoyed by Medical Doctors since January 2014 is one of the DEMANDS before the Federal Government. This is EQUITY and not EQUALITY!

The concept of relativity must not be twisted to mean PAY PARITY.

Government must check the excesses of the “favored specie” in the Ministry of Health so that Nigerians can hive a sigh of relief in their quest to get medical attention in our Federal Tertiary Health Institutions.

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