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Monday, August 20, 2018



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 COITUS INTERRUPTUS Also known as the rejected sexual intercoursewithdrawal or pull-out method, this form of birth control is when a man, during sexual intercourse, withdraws his penis from a woman’s vagina prior to orgasm (and ejaculation) and then directs his ejaculate (semen) away from the vagina in an effort to avoid insemination.
Decisions regarding contraceptive use are personal but risk factors, advantages and disadvantages should be considered when choosing this method.


1.    Higher Failure Rate

Compared to other forms of birth control, the withdrawal method is slightly less effective even if it is performed correctly. To prevent unplanned pregnancies, it should not be used as your primary birth control.

2. STDs

This method of birth control does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. If you are not in a monogamous relationship, it is very important to use a condom every time you have intercourse.

 3.    Pre-cum

This is released before ejaculation. Pre-cum does not have sperm in it but it can pick up sperm in the urethra from previous ejaculation and can still result in pregnancy. Peeing doesn’t help either, as some studies have still found sperm to be in the pre-cum, even after the guy has been to the bathroom.

4.    Hard to Perform Correctly

Coitus Interruptus is not recommended as a reliable form of contraception. It takes a lot of experience and self-control for a man to be able to accurately predict when he is going to ejaculate. In addition, the effectiveness of the withdrawal method decreases drastically for men who suffer from premature ejaculation.


1. Cost

There is no cost associated with the withdrawal method. You do not need a prescription and you don’t have to purchase anything in order to practice this method of contraception. This can be an advantage for couples who have little or no insurance coverage and no access to clinics offering other forms of free birth control.

2. No Side Effects

Since the withdrawal method is completely natural, there is no risk of side effects. This can be a significant advantage for women who are bothered by the weight gain, mood swings, or nausea that can be a side effect of hormonal birth control. Women who should not take hormonal contraceptives, such as those who are over 35 or those who smoke, may also find the withdrawal method appealing.

3. Compatibility with Religious Beliefs

If your religious beliefs prevent you from using artificial contraception, but you’re not quite ready to begin or expand your family, the withdrawal method may be an appealing option. To make the pull out form of birth control more effective, however, you may wish to combine it with natural family planning techniques such as the calendar rhythm method or monitoring ovulation factors.

Conclusion: It is important to discuss with your partner in other to choose the best form of contraceptive. If you have more than one sexual partner, using the withdrawal method might put you at a risk of getting an STD or even an unplanned pregnancy. Consider other forms of contraceptives like Condoms, Spermicides and Birth Control Pills.

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