Depression start from rejection, when you are in an environment that rejection speaks louder than love you will be depressed if you aren't careful.
Depression can make an individual seems wicked but unfortunately you got the picture wrong that individual might be passing through rejection.
Now look at the picture the child inside the car has been in an environment of love, he first loved himself that was why he was able to give his peer that looks inadequate.
It is not all kids that knows how to give, I have seen a lot of kids that doesn't know how to give but this young boy knows how to give because he has grown in an environment where he has learn how to love. He has learn how to love himself before loving others.
Most times the reason for depression is caused by rejection most children born in an humble background always experience this, in other words they believe they are not fortunate, they believe life is not fair due to what they perceive in their environment. They need something but unfortunately they can't get it.
However, most of them never knew who their parents was. They grew up in an environment where they are always rejected of their opinion. They never had a moment in their life where they were celebrated.
All this started from childhood, and as time goes on they never dropped it. Instead they carried that mindset till they became adults.
One of the ways of fighting depression is learning how to love you. When you love you, you won't feel rejected instead it triggers you to love others and when loving others you will be happy and fulfilled.
Fight Rejection so you won't be in Depression.
Culled from Chidec Dreams.